Questions for Primary School and Pre-School Programs

Q: What types of programs do you offer?
A: High Touch High Tech offers in-school science workshops within all of the major science domains: physical science, life sciences and earth sciences.

Q: Should we do the programs before or after the students study the topic?
A: It is preferable to do the program during the early phase of the topic. This way, the students are familiar with the topic and the teacher has ample time for follow up activities or questions after our programs.

Q: We need a hands-on activity. Do all the children participate?
A: High Touch High Tech programs are not shows. They are supply-intensive experiences. All children participate and most programs have a take-home component.

Q: Do you have programs appropriate for pre-school children? What is the minimum age that you serve?
A: High Touch High Tech offers in-school science workshops for preschoolers and primary school children. Typically the minimum age is 4 years old. Please visit our Preschool Program page for more information.

Q: When will the scientist arrive?
A: Our Scientists require 10 to 15 minutes to set up for your program. Therefore, you should expect them to arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of your program.

Q: Where does High Touch High Tech conduct your programs?
A: We come to your school and can conduct our programs in your classrooms, multipurpose room, science lab or media center.

Q: How should I set up my classroom in preparation for the program?
A: Students need to be seated at desks or tables in order to carry out the experiments. Thus, our Scientist and your students will need either a desk or table at which to conduct their hands-on science experiments. We also ask that you have a whiteboard available for use by our Scientist. Some programs may require access to water; therefore, access to a nearby tap would also be helpful.

Q: Are teachers required to be present for the program?
A: Teachers could remain in the classroom throughout the program. We welcome teachers to participate and rely on their feedback to assist in our efforts to continuously improve upon our FUN and exciting hands-on science experiences. However, we understand that teachers could have other teaching commitments and need to leave the classrooms during the program.

Q: Are the supplies included in the program?
A: All supplies are provided by High Touch High Tech. Our Scientist will bring enough supplies for each student to enjoy a hands-on experience.
Science Programs for Kids


Stimulate children's imagination & curiosity for science!

Questions for Birthday Parties

Q: What time will the Scientist arrive?
A: Our Scientist will arrive shortly before the appointed time. The set-up time for our party is about 15 minutes.

Q: Where should the children sit?
A: Children need to be seated at tables. If you do not have enough seats, they can stand. But, we need them at tables for the hands-on activities/experiments.

Q: What about my adult guests?
A: We love parents and encourage them to attend. However, you may want to have an area for them to socialize. When parents crowd around the tables, it is distracting to the children and difficult for our Scientist to conduct the planned activities.

Q: How do I prepare for the "Panning for Gems" Party or "Fossil Fun" Party?
A: The gem panning in both programs will need access to water. It may also get a little wet from spills by the children. Thus, a place where the spills could be easily cleaned up would be ideal.

Q: Where are you going to do the "Hair Raising" Party?
A: If you are doing the "Hair Raising" party, please prepare an indoor room. It cannot be done outside due to the humidity. It would have the best effect in an air-conditioned room.

Q: Do you provide goodie bags? What is in them?
A: We provide a basic goodie bag as part of the party package. Typically, we put science toys, a shark's tooth, a glow-in-the-dark critter. The goodie bag stands alone or you may place them within your own goodie bag if you prefer.

Q: Are the supplies included in the program?
A: All supplies are provided by High Touch High Tech. Our Scientist will bring enough supplies for each student to enjoy a hands-on experience.
Science Programs for Kids


Investigate how fun and interesting science can be through hands-on learning!

Science Programs for Kids


Involve students by becoming REAL scientists performing REAL experiments!

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